Dr. Kisabeth Honored through Donation

October 23, 2012

Dr. Charles Kisabeth was recently honored with a donation made in his name to MUSC Children’s Hospital.  Attached is a press release with more information, as well as a photograph.  I know many of Dr. Kisabeth’s Daniel Island patients respected and adored him and would be thrilled to hear of the efforts made in his name and that his work continues, even after his death.

Those included in the photograph provided by MUSC’s The Catalyst, are:

Front row, left to right:  Anne Kisabeth; Dr. Rita Ryan (MUSC’s Children’s Hospital); Dr. Charlie Darby (Darby Children’s REsearch Institute) Back row, left to right:  Matthew Kisabeth; Emily Kisabeth Sobczak;Mike Jernigan (Select Health)

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

As part of the City Paper's annual "Best Of" polling, Dr. Lauren Tipton has been nominated for Best Pediatrician. Please take a moment to vote for her! Thank you for being a part of the Parkwood Pediatrics family.

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Parkwood Pediatrics is moving to a new West Ashley location

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Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

As part of the City Paper's annual "Best Of" polling, Dr. Lauren Tipton has been nominated for Best Pediatrician. Please take a moment to vote for her! Thank you for being a part of the Parkwood Pediatrics family.

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

As part of the City Paper's annual "Best Of" polling, Dr. Lauren Tipton has been nominated for Best Pediatrician. Please take a moment to vote for her! Thank you for being a part of the Parkwood Pediatrics family.

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Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

Please Vote for Dr. Tipton!

As part of the City Paper's annual "Best Of" polling, Dr. Lauren Tipton has been nominated for Best Pediatrician. Please take a moment to vote for her! Thank you for being a part of the Parkwood Pediatrics family.

Parkwood Pediatrics is moving to a new West Ashley location

Parkwood Pediatrics is moving to a new West Ashley location

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